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[RUGBYLIST] IRB contro l'uso del "caschetto"
Giorgio Betteto
giorgioxt a
Lun 28 Nov 2011 15:37:51 CET
Ciao da Giorgio
Luigi Bocchino wrote:
> Squadre e aziende di rugby in Italia -
> __________________________________________
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Divertentissimo !! favolosa la presa in giro ...
> ther proposals being considered should the outright ban fail include:
> * Players posing for victory photos/lifting trophies in scrum caps (a
> la Michael Owen in Welsh Grand Slam of 2005) to be digitally removed
> from all images and airbrushed out of history.
> * When referees unsure about a decision on the field they are always
> to give the benefit of the doubt to non-cap wearing players.
> * Scrum caps to be covered in 'Watch out, you may give me an
> abrasion!' warning signs.
> * Any player acting tough or trying to build a macho image (a la James
> Haskell) and wearing a cap to be mocked over tannoy system every five
> minutes during a match.
> * Commentators obliged to insert terms such as 'cowardly', 'stupid
> looking', 'disgrace to the spirit of the game' before referencing
> players wearing scrum caps.
> * Players wearing scrum caps on the field to be forced to wear them
> everyday, all day, even during their personal life.
> The East Terrace attempted to gain comment from players who wear
> headgear for this article, but they were unable to hear us due to the
> muffling effects on ears of said caps. They were also scared of anyone
> coming near them and hid upon approach.
Specialmente la fine ..."The East Terrace cercò di avere risposte da
giocatori che usano i caschetti, ma questi non riuscirono a sentirci a
causa dei caschetti, erano anche spaventati da chiunque gli andasse
vicino e si nascosero al nostro arrivo" ... :-)))
grazie per la segnalazione!
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