Questo sito è dedicato alla rugbylist, un ritrovo "virtuale" dove si incontrano centinaia di appassionati di rugby.
[RUGBYLIST] Fw: this is adorable
jcanob a
Mar 9 Maggio 2017 14:22:28 CEST
Take a look at that adorable stuff, I'm just amazed! It is so sweet)) Here, check it out
Best regards, jcanob
From: rugbylist [mailto:rugbylist a]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 8:22 AM
To: jcanob a
Subject: Now get a hairdryer
The rubber sheet analogy is an easy enough to understand analogy, I think...
As I understand it the old understanding of gravity being a force similar to magnetism, where it gets stronger the closer you are, is incorrect. What actually happens is that space is distorted by mass, like the rubber sheet with an object placed on it, the more mass the more space/rubber-sheet is distorted... So the idea of a gravity well seems at first to be easy to grasp thanks to the rubber sheet analogy... But then my mind gets blown when I try to imagine how space is distorted in three dimensions. Someone told me to just think of numbers arranged in three dimensions and the closer to the mass the larger the numbers, but then that just seems like the old understanding where gravity is like a magnet.
I suspect the issue is simply that human brains have evolved to deal with different things and we just can't picture the warping off space in three dimensions, so we just need to stick to mathematical representations.
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