Questo sito è dedicato alla rugbylist, un ritrovo "virtuale" dove si incontrano centinaia di appassionati di rugby.

[RUGBYLIST] ✉amazing day

andreacalavita andreacalavita a
Dom 7 Maggio 2017 15:10:33 CEST

Dear friend! 

We've  had  an amazing day today and we  just wanted to share some information about places  we've visited, just  take a look

Warm regards, andreacalavita

From: Rugbylist [mailto:Rugbylist a]
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2017 9:10 AM
To: andreacalavita a
Subject: I was working!

How do  i  get higher than 1750? I've been  1750 in 2's, 3's and 1950 in RBG's  but this season  im 1600 in everything. I'm  trying to learn to  be better  and use all my 1-3  macros but  everything  just  seems so  hard, and I keep having to  find  random pugs as I  have no friends.

This  is very important to  me this season, I  can't  ever  get  into groups because i'm not that experienced, but  I  am literally pvping  and watching pvp  videos all day long. I just got teeth out so  i have nothing else to do.  

I  have a druid whos boomkin/resto im  683 ilvl  full pvp gear and  a warrior at 677 ilvl  pvp, i get weps next week on him. my pally is about to  be 100  too so i'm sure i'll use him. I'm mainly  using my resto druid as im  able  to  get groups faster that way

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