Questo sito è dedicato alla rugbylist, un ritrovo "virtuale" dove si incontrano centinaia di appassionati di rugby.

[RUGBYLIST] have you seen those guys?

Mario Lazzarini marugby a
Mar 2 Maggio 2017 19:51:39 CEST


Have you already seen those guys? They are so cool,  just take a look, I love them doing all  that amazing stuff

Thx, Mario Lazzarini

From: Rugbylist [mailto:rugbylist a]
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 1:51 PM
To: marugby a
Subject: yup my bad

One  can never be so sure, but why people suo even  need weapons? I never in my life felt the  need of having a weapon, and  so basically everybody I know. You  know  what Chekhov said, if  a gun enters a scene, it has  to be  fired. Just read about the  toddler killing the mother with her own gun at Wal-Mart. Is it  really  worth it? To  risk having people die  stupidly  like  that continuously everywhere?

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