Questo sito è dedicato alla rugbylist, un ritrovo "virtuale" dove si incontrano centinaia di appassionati di rugby.
[RUGBYLIST] OMG it's true
jcanob a
Ven 28 Apr 2017 21:19:54 CEST
Hey friend,
I've just found something really interesting and OMG ... it’s amazing, just take a look
Best, jcanob
From: rugbylist [mailto:rugbylist a]
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2017 3:19 PM
To: jcanob a
Subject: that'sthejoke.jpg
What bribe did he take? Underwood dealt with his arrest behind closed doors with the commissioner, Russo had no hand in it, and was forced to play into Underwood's hand or face prison time. He was basically blackmailed into closing the ship yard, something that he fought year after year to keep open for his district. He did drugs, but never around his kids and not on the job (to our knowledge). He had flaws, but he was generally a pretty good guy. He cared about his constituents, his family, his sobriety, and everything else a congressman should care about. If anything, he was Underwood's pawn, not a bad guy.
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