Dal sito della federazione Sudafricana un'altra brutta notizia. L'ex Capitano degli Springbok, Joost van der Westhuizen è stato ricoverato in ospedale per un attacco di cuore. Joost suffers suspected heart attack Sunday, June 28 Former Springbok captain Joost van der Westhuizen has been rushed to hospital in Sunninghill after reportedly suffering a heart attack, according to News24. The hospital has confirmed that Joost has been admitted, but they refuse to indicate the cause. http://www.sarugby.com/news/News/article/sid=11763.html -------------- parte successiva -------------- Un allegato HTML è stato rimosso... URL: http://www.rugbylist.it/pipermail/rugbylist/attachments/20090629/73b0e07b/attachment.html