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[RUGBYLIST] Composizione gironi Challenge Cup 2008/2009

Angelo Volpe a fast volpe_angelo a
Lun 23 Giu 2008 15:24:29 CEST

Oggi l'ERC ha diramato la composizione delle pool. 

European Challenge Cup Pools 2008 / 2009

POOL 1: London Irish, Connacht Rugby, Dax*/Albi*, Rugby Rovigo
POOL 2: Northampton Saints, Bristol Rugby, Montpellier, Toulon
POOL 3: Bourgoin, Worcester Warriors, Petrarca Rugby, Bucuresti Oaks
POOL 4: Newcastle Falcons, Brive, Overmach Rugby Parma, Cetransa El Salvador
POOL 5: Saracens, Viadana, Bayonne, Stade Montois Rugby 

*The participation of Dax*/ Albi* is subject to confirmation from the LNR & FFR (un problema legato alla radiazione dell'Albi per bilanci taroccati).
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