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[RUGBYLIST] Fw: Scotland - Italy
A Zibana
azibana a
Gio 4 Ott 2007 19:41:13 CEST
Potràessere intressante leggere quello che mi scrive sulla partita conla Scozia Rob Waunwright che della Scozia é stato capitano e Lyons in SA nel 1999.
----- Original Message -----
From: Rob & Romayne Wainwright
To: 'A Zibana'
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 4:21 PM
Subject: RE: Scotland - Italy
A very painful match to watch. I think I developed a stomach ulcer during it. Scotland very lucky to win, and feel sorry for your lads as they played better than us. But we had the kicker.
You can gain revenge in Rome in March.
Cheers, Rob
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